Love Cooking with Cannabis? Get Certified!
Whether you’re a professional chef or just want to learn more about cooking with cannabis, this course will teach you everything you need to know. You’ll get an introduction to the history and science of the plant, as well as its health benefits and dosing advice. Then we’ll dive into our favourite recipes: brownies, sauces, soups, salads, desserts and more! In addition to learning how these dishes can be made with cannabis in mind—and how different strains affect each dish differently—we’ll also cover some great tips on how to make sure your food comes out perfectly every time.
What You Will Learn
You’ll learn how to extract cannabis and make tinctures, oils and edibles. You will also learn how concentrates like kief, hash and BHO are made and how each have different potency characteristics. You’ll be certified in the following:
- How to extract cannabis
- How to make tinctures, oils and edibles
- How to make hash and BHO (Butane Hash Oil)
Who Can Attend
Whether you’re an aspiring chef, a huge cannabis lover or a good blend of both, there’s something for everyone at our certification classes. If you’re looking to grow your career as a foodie and want to learn more about cooking with cannabis, we’ve got the perfect class for you!
If this is your first time cooking with marijuana—or if it’s not—we invite you to join us during one of our upcoming sessions.
Course Details
The course will cover:
- A brief history of cannabis and how it’s grown
- How to prepare and cook with cannabis
- The health benefits of cooking with cannabis (both physical and mental)
- How to include cannabis recipes in your regular diet
About Chef Travis Petersen

Chef Travis Petersen is an award-winning cannabis chef who travels North America serving up culinary classics infused with cannabis. He has over 20 years of experience in the kitchen and has been cooking with cannabis for over 10 years. In addition to being a professional chef, Chef Petersen is also an entrepreneur, speaker and author of High Times magazine’s Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook.
Chef Petersen has appeared on many television shows including The Martha Stewart Show and The Cooking Channel, where he was named one of their “Top Ten Chefs in America” by Food & Wine Magazine (2011). With such an impressive resume under his belt, why would anyone need to be certified as a cannabis chef? Chef Petersen says that he has noticed a lack of knowledge in the culinary industry regarding cannabis and its benefits. He also states that there is a need for chefs who have experience cooking with cannabis and know how to use it properly. “I see a lot of people who think they’re doing things right, but they don’t understand the science behind it,” he says.
If you want to learn more about cooking with cannabis and get a certificate for it, join us for this course on January 21!
If you’re interested in learning more about cooking with cannabis and getting a certificate for it, join us for this course on January 21!
In this one-day program, chef Travis Petersen will teach you the basics of cooking with cannabis. You’ll learn how to make your own infused butter and oils, and discover the best ways to add them into your favourite dishes.
This course is perfect for anyone who wants to incorporate more ganja into their daily diet—but it also makes a great gift idea if someone on your list is already doing this!
As an added bonus: all attendees get 10% off any purchase at any CAFE location (in-store, same-day delivery or mail-order) after the class is over!
The Cannabis Chef Certification course will teach you how to cook delicious meals with cannabis and make your own infused oils, butters and vinegars. You’ll also learn about the medicinal benefits of different strains and how they can be used for treating pain, nausea or other issues. This course is perfect for those who want to know more about cooking with cannabis or want a certificate for their experience! Reserve your spot now!